Automate Your Cleaning

The automated cleaning of your home with no coordination needed on your end.

Solution #1

1) Use a Home Key Lockbox” which would be hidden out of sight. You would provide a one-time temporary access code that is different every service.


When done, we will leave the key and lockbox on the kitchen table and EXIT THROUGH THE GARAGE (step over the garage sensor).


Solution #2

2) Leave a “Physical Key” with your apartment leasing office. Our cleaners will exchange their photo IDs for the key at the leasing office.


When complete, our cleaners will lock the door, return the key to the leasing office and re-collect their photo IDs.


Solution #3

3) Use a “Keyless Entry Door Lock” for your home and provide a one-time temporary access code which would be a different code every service.


Solution #4

4) Provide a “Garage Door Code” for your home. Upon entry our cleaning staff will make sure the garage is closed behind them.


When complete, our cleaners will exit through the garage and double check that BOTH the garage and home are locked before exiting the property.